A free tutorial by Vicky Myers

Sashiko stitching is a form of decorative and/or reinforcement stitching, or hand embroidery, using the running stitch technique. Sashiko stitching was started in Japan. Vicky Myers created this beautiful lined Sashiko bag using recycled denim and pretty cotton scraps. She shares her free Sashiko bag tutorial with you! Also check out the super-quick video below this post to see exactly how Sashiko stitching is done in less than 60 seconds.
Sewing Supplies:
recycled denim fabric pieces
cotton scraps
cotton fabric for lining
Annies Soft and Stable two pieces 42 by 46 cm
heavy-weight interfacing, two pieces 42 by 46 cm
leather hole punch
double cap rivets
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#denim #VickyMyersCreations #tote #recycledtextiles #recycledenim #sashikoneedles #lining #DenimTote #upcycleddenim #freesewingtutorial #Sashiko #tutorial #VickyMyers #denimbag #lightweightdenim #lined #embroideredbag #basictote #recycled #recycleddenim #totebag #interfacing #runningstitch #scraps #Japanese #textureddenim #embroiderythread