A Free Sewing and Quilting Tutorial by Kathy Davis from the Creative Side for Moda Bake Shop

Kathy Davis from the Creative Side is sharing another awesome free sewing and quilting tutorial using some Moda fabrics demonstrating how to create this curling iron sleeve for travel. This sleeve is intended for traveling with as hot iron that needs to be insulated from the rest of your belongings inside your travel bag. Remember, every time you take a stitch through the layers of batting and/or heat resistant fabric, you put a hole through the heat shield, so we suggest minimal quilting.
Sewing Supplies:
15 Moda Mini-charm squares (Moda Candy)
6 3/4″ by 10 3/4″ piece of heat resistant fabric (ironing board fabric)
6 3/4″ by 10 3/4″ piece of batting, I suggest Insulbrite or Radiantex or an equivalent available to you. Whatever you decide to use, do not use polyester. It will melt!
17 inches of coordinating 1/2″ wide double-fold bias tape

More travel accessories to sew at PP:

The latest from some of our partners:
The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁
DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯
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