A Free PDF Pattern by Clover & Violet

An advanced beginner sewing pattern by Clover & Violet. Fabric shown: “Cold Spring Dreams” by Mary McGuire for RJR Fabrics. The Bella Clutch offers a removable wrist strap. If the hardware is not available to you, the strap can of course be attached directly to the Bella Clutch Bag. This is a very sweet bag.

Sewing Supplies:
exterior: 5 – 2 ½” x 13” strips (body) 2 – 2” x 8 ½” strip (band)
lining: 1 fat quarter
pockets: 1 fat eighth
1 fat quarter cotton flannel
1/8 yard medium weight fusible interfacing
1 – 9” zipper
1 ½” swivel clip & ¾” d-ring
machine quilting cotton thread & notions
zipper foot & (optional) ruffler foot

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