Learn how to install twist-locks into handbags.

This photo sewing tutorial demonstrating how to install twist-locks into handbags is by Nicole Mallalieu of You Sew Girl in Australia. Nicole emphasizes the importance of making sure that your fabric is interfaced with fusible interfacing to secure the fibres of the fabric. A layer of wadding (fleece) or a thick non-woven interfacing (such as Fast2Fuse) is also needed on the bag to support the weight of the lock.
What are purse clasps?

“Purse Clasps – There are magnetic snaps, ornamental clasps, decorative fasteners, and heavy-duty closures specially designed for handbags, suitcases, carrying bags, school bags and any applications need a locking function at a quick and easy way. A purse clasp can be a nice alternative closure to a zipper, especially if it is magnetic. They are not difficult to install and they can be added to almost any bag style. Available in metal or plastic in a variety of colors and styles.” – Don Morin of Bag’n-telle · Design-It-Yourself Handbags and Making Leather Bags.
2. How to Attach a Twist-lock to Your Bag from HandbagMakers

Another tutorial by ms. elaineous in a downloadable PDF format you can print off. You can grab that here with a free Craftsy account.
Here’s a video by PinkDoDo Designs demonstrating how they added a twist-turn lock to their handbag:
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