A free video tutorial from Okla Roots
Jess from Okla Roots shares a wonderful free video tutorial demonstrating how she incorporates quilt blocks and creates fun and unique bags. In this basics video, Jess goes over how she builds a bag panel from a quilt block, as well as how she cuts out large pattern pieces.
Be sure to scroll down this blog post for six free and fun to stitch quilt block patterns that you can use when making bags!
Watch now:
Tote Bag Patterns:

Tulip Tote

Toadstool, Fox, and Gnome Tote Bag

The Gorgeous Tote and Hat
Fun and Free Quilt Block Pattern Downloads:

Summer Cherries Quilt Block

Contour Feather Block

Fish Quilt Block

Cat Friends Quilt Block

Woven Star Quilt Block

Lovestruck Heart Block
The latest from some of our partners:
The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁
DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯
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