[simplebooklet src=”//simplebooklet.com/embed.php?wpKey=1i8pHJLVFZ1d0yne4yIPWJ&source=wordpress” width=”540″ height=”626″] I thought I’d give this new e-publishing format a try. I love my email newsletter service Mad Mimi but we are finding that it brings a tremendous amount of traffic all at once and leaves many disappointed because even with a solid web host and server, we are blowing PatternPile to bits whenever I send a newsletter out. Very frustrating for all! Let’s see if a mini look-book works out a little better for everyone. If you would like to add feedback about the look-book feel free to send me a note below.
The latest from some of our partners:
The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁
DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯